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Amarás Samaná
Amarás Samaná
El secreto mejor guardado del Caribe
La Cascada del limón culmina en una piscina natural de agua cristalina
La Cascada del limón culmina en una piscina natural de agua cristalina
Sus colores de contrastes en Pueblo Principe animaran tu día de compras
Sus colores de contrastes en Pueblo Principe animaran tu día de compras
Las ballenas jorobadas se aparean para dar a luz a sus crías en sus aguas
Las ballenas jorobadas se aparean para dar a luz a sus crías en sus aguas



Dominican peso


GMT - 4 in winter, - 5 in summer



1 January: New Year

6 January: Epiphany

21 January: Nuestra Señora de Altagracia

26 January: Juan Pablo Duarte Day

27 February: Independence Day

April: Good Friday

1 May: International Workers' Day

7 June: Corpus Cristi

16 August: Anniversary of the Restoration

24 September: Our Lady of Mercy

6 November: Constitution Day

25 December: Christmas

The Samana peninsula is perhaps the best destination in the Dominican Republic for adventure and nature lovers.

Not only for the spectacle offered by humpback whales from the Atlantic as they mate and give birth to their young, but also for its magnificent green mountains, long beaches and small fishing villages bathed in the water of a turquoise sea. Los Haitises National Park is a must see in the area.

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