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Cayo Levantado
Cayo Levantado
An exclusive island, an autentic paradise
Cayo Levantado
Relax on the white sand beaches of Cayo Levantado, an island where you can contemplate and enjoy its two beaches
A beautiful and small portion of land located in the northeast coast: the Bay of Samana
A beautiful and small portion of land located in the northeast coast: the Bay of Samana
Swimming or snorkeling are some of the activities you will enjoy in this corner of the Caribbean
Swimming or snorkeling are some of the activities you will enjoy in this corner of the Caribbean
Very varied vegetation of humid forest, besides paradisiacal beaches of white sands and turquoise waters
Very varied vegetation of humid forest, besides paradisiacal beaches of white sands and turquoise waters



Dominican peso


GMT -4 in winter, -5 in summer



1 January: New Year

6 January: Epiphany

21 January: Nuestra Señora de Altagracia

26 January: Juan Pablo Duarte Day

27 February: Independence Day

April: Good Friday

1 May: International Workers' Day

7 June: Corpus Cristi

16 August: Anniversary of the Restoration

24 September: Our Lady of Mercy

6 November: Constitution Day

25 December: Christmas

Located at the entrance to the Bahia de Samana, Cayo Levantado is an islet of just one square kilometre, a little tropical Caribbean gem.

It is a perfect place to get away for a day. Experience its beautiful beaches with crystal clear turquoise waters and white sand, ideal for swimming and snorkelling.

This island is also known as "Bacardi Island" because it is home to the palm trees that appear in ads for the brand of rum.

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