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Laguna de Nichupté
Laguna de Nichupté
Un maravilloso atardecer
Laguna de Nichupté
A unique trip through the jungle allows visitors to navigate the lagoon's canals on their own jet skis
Date un chapuzón en la laguna en forma de corazón, nada en la laguna del amor
Date un chapuzón en la laguna en forma de corazón, nada en la laguna del amor
Disfruta de un escenario natural conformado por manglares e islotes
Disfruta de un escenario natural conformado por manglares e islotes
Experimenta la magia de la Laguna Nichupté
Experimenta la magia de la Laguna Nichupté

Spanish, 67 indigenous languages


Mexican peso


GMT – 6 in winter, GMT – 7 in summer



1 January: New Year

1st Monday of February: Constitution Day

3rd Monday of November: Birth of Benito Juárez

March / April: Holy Week

1 May: International Workers' Day

5 May: Cinco de Mayo (The Day of the Battle of Puebla)

16 September: Independence Day

1 November: Day of the Dead

3rd Monday of November: Revolution Day

12 December: Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe

25 December: Christmas

In the heart of Cancun you'll find the Nichupté lagoon, where you can see four kinds of mangroves, crocodiles, iguanas, leopard frogs and a wide variety of birds.

his lagoon is connected to the Caribbean Sea through two canals (the Sigfrido Canal and the Nizuc Canal), and is over 3,000 hectares.

A unique trip through the jungle allows visitors to navigate the lagoon's canals on their own jet skis, while observing the local wildlife. At dawn, joggers, cyclists and hikers can enjoy splendid scenery along the roads crossing the sea and the lagoon.

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