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Impresionantes ruinas mayas
Citizen originally known as Zuma "City of Dawn"
Visita Tulum y admira la gran ciudad amurallada
Visita Tulum y admira la gran ciudad amurallada
Descubre la historia, magia y misticismo de Tulum
Descubre la historia, magia y misticismo de Tulum
Una increíble ciudad maya al sur del país
Una increíble ciudad maya al sur del país

Spanish, 67 indigenous languages


Mexican peso


GMT – 6 in winter, GMT – 7 in summer



1 January: New Year

1st Monday of February: Constitution Day

3rd Monday of November: Birth of Benito Juárez

March / April: Holy Week

1 May: International Workers' Day

5 May: Cinco de Mayo (The Day of the Battle of Puebla)

16 September: Independence Day

1 November: Day of the Dead

3rd Monday of November: Revolution Day

12 December: Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe

25 December: Christmas

Tulum perfectly combines history, culture and one of the best beaches in Mexico. It is the only archaeological site which sits at the edge of the sea. Its most iconic structure, "The Castle" is situated on the edge of a cliff with turquoise waters below, helping to make this one of the best photo ops on the Riviera Maya.

Tulum, a Mayan word meaning wall, was a fortress that lived its moments of glory at the end of the classic period (around 1000 AD).  It was an important centre of worship to the "descending god".

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